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6 min read
It's Not You, It's The Anxiety
Each and every person who gets the unwanted pleasure of facing the monster will have their own way of describing how it feels to them....

5 min read
9 Lessons We Learnt In 2019
1. You are far stronger than you could ever give yourself credit for.

3 min read
Why We Should All Bloody Love An Introvert
I’m going to shine the light on the introvert (oop, sorry guys!). They are reserved legends and you know it.

3 min read
World Mental Health Day
The importance of good mental health is something we tend to underestimate until we experience a struggle with it. I think It affects us in

3 min read
Why Liking Yourself Is One Of The Most Powerful Traits You Can Have
People are scared of what they don't understand. It’s a natural human trait to feel more inclined to follow- follow the social trends...

2 min read
Life Lessons With Cardi Kim
Ambition really is catchy! Kinda like a good version of the chicken pox but without the spots and uncomfortable itching. Actually, I am so

3 min read
You Should Be Damn Proud Of How Far You've Come
We put so much pressure on ourselves to keep on achieving, keep on thinking about what’s next, keep on thinking of new ideas and plans we...

3 min read
12 Wishes To Take With You Into 2019
My wish for you is that you find the courage to make yourself happy. Follow your words with actions. Address your mental health. Take a...

4 min read
My Night In The ED
Do you ever get in those moods where you just hit a low? And you stay low, for maybe a day or two. Or maybe you’re stuck like that for a....
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