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Caylie May

Heartbreak And Hope Through The Australian Bushfires

I couldn't find the exact words to describe the heartbreak and uncertainty that our homeland is facing as each day goes by. The radio announcements are gut-wrenching. The news footage is horrific. The hurt, the anger, the confusion, the fear- it is all so real. The suffering, it is so apparent that nothing else could demand our attention if it tried. Day after day we're exposed to a continual presentation of graphic images and confronting updates on all different mediums. I cannot begin to even imagine what it must be like for the people and animals who are experiencing first-hand the loss of their homes and loved ones. It's heartbreaking. It's scary. How did it even come to this? I sat in a waiting room yesterday and the mood was sombre. Everyone was looking up at the TV, watching the images and news stories detailing the trauma these fires have caused. Everyone's face in the room had the same expression, that of pain. Watching others distressed and suffering is not something that we're built to watch with ease, we are human. It was looking around the room at all these people as a collective, that it really hit home that the current events will affect every Australian.

It will affect those directly impacted, the health and population of our wildlife, the loved ones watching on terrified for their family in little rural towns, those with asthma and breathing difficulties who are warned as smoke from fires 450km away comes travelling through, the everyday human who is mentally suffering as they watch the current events unfold. We have already seen that the smoke from the fires is even becoming apparent from other countries.

There are some things that are becoming more prominent as times goes on, and that is the solidarity, the generosity and the compassion. Donations continue to rise and a growing amount of people are dedicating their time to helping in any way they can. Many are offering their homes, transport, arms to run into, ears to listen, shoulders to cry on.. Australian's are bloody good at banding together and showing support. It's our glimmer of hope. . I think our firefighters are absolute heroes and deserve everything amazing for what they are doing. Day after day, into the night, back into the day. How do we even express gratitude so big? I think the support the Australian people have shown is a reminder of our strength. I like to think (rather, I more so hope) that this will drive change in those refusing to acknowledge the state of our planet and the absolute importance of looking after it.



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