I mean, if her Instagram aesthetic doesn't impress you then her journey of achievements will! From creative artist to fashion business owner, to environmental warrior to astronomy indulger, it's fair to say Jenna has a few inspiring, heart-driven stories up her sleeve. One very admirable thing about an artist is their ability to make incredible unique creations from their pain, from their happiness, from their lessons...The list just doesn't end. So far, Jenna's imagination has created a wonderland of artistic achievements in all forms. This one is for the dreamers.
What are three words that best describe Jenna?
I’m going to toot my own horn here and say funny, kind, bubbly - omg I don't know, that felt weird hahaha!
Tell us about Cleaner Coast. What is it and how did it come about?
A Cleaner Coast is now officially a not-for-profit organisation that came about back in March of last year. Despite being very mindful about certain products, waste and the impact that it has on our planet - I was still seeing rubbish on the ground and being like “how is someone not doing something about this?’ Then me also being like well...I’m most definitely that someone that can be doing something about this! I pitched the idea to one of my good friends Damien Cole and he made it everything it needed to be and more. There are now 8 people on the board for Cleaner Coast and it literally would not be what it is today without them.
Jenna at NASA headquarters United States, meeting her favourite astronaut Edward Gibson @loveludie
How has the response from the community been so far?
Incredible! I had truly underestimated how much people would want to get together to clean up the rubbish along the coastline. With a lot of political instability going on, not only in Australia but the world, it is more important than ever that we band together as communities to implement and take action on the power of partial solutions. By allowing people to do that within their own community it becomes much more achievable and rewarding.
Some would say (me), that you have very beautiful Earthy, environmentally friendly ethics, what are some small daily changes you’ve made to practice sustainability and lower your carbon footprint?
I’ve always been a bit of an Earth baby. I’m one of those people that would much rather be outdoors in nature than watching Netflix (as much as I love Netflix haha). I think I sometimes care ‘too much’ about certain things. But a lot of it really just comes down to awareness of these things, the awareness of what you are consuming, where it comes from and where it’s going to end up. My advice for anyone that feels overwhelmed is to take baby steps, move from A- B then from B-C but start with a reusable coffee cup haha. Educate yourself on what's going on around you and what impact that it is having on our planet.
You also have your own biz ‘Love Ludie’ selling beautiful candles and dreamy pieces of art. How did the Love Ludie journey begin?
In past interviews I think I've always said - “I had a love for candles... I hated my day job at the time” etc. But I think the real reason is that I was incredibly lost and depressed after losing my dad. I used to be incredibly creative and I’d lost any sort of inspiration or creativity so I think this was my way of really finding it again. Ludie was the name of my imaginary friend so I guess it’s LOVE whatever my imagination comes up with :)
How important to you is it to take the time to get creative and immerse yourself in art?
Incredibly important - it’s something I crave, yet also something that can not be forced.
Fan girl moment: Jenna and Edward Gibson @loveludie
I see ‘Love Ludie’ went on tour this year and travelled around Australia to do art workshops! Is this something you hope to continue in 2020?
Absolutely - I’ve actually just launched 3 new workshops to run throughout Feb/March. I had no idea how much I would love the teaching element to art and actually running the workshops. When I pitched the idea to my followers back in October the response was incredible so I thought – let’s do this! The most rewarding part is watching people walk in with this self-disclaimer that they ‘can’t paint’ or that they are ‘not creative’ to them then being like ‘OMG, this is the best!’ I loved that!
You’re such a busy-bee, you also manage online fashion store Hutch with your sister Emily. What do you think is the number one rule for owning a business?
The number one rule is communication, not only in business but in anything, relationships, friendships...life! I am also getting better at delegating. I used to be one of those people that tried to do everything themselves.
You’ve spoken previously about your experience with learning to love you for who you are. I suppose in a world where, while it is wonderful self-prioritising is gaining recognition, it is still something we can all have difficulty with. What has your journey been like in regards to this?
This one really got me and it’s probably why I’ve delayed getting this interview back to you.
You need to spend time with yourself to get to know yourself in order to really love yourself. It's been a long process for me but I can honestly say that all the heartbreak and confusion have made me an incredibly strong person. I think it’s something that can not be fast-tracked, it comes with time and it comes from the experiences we encounter and the strength we gain from them.
I still have my days though, I think we all do. I think it's healthy to have moments where you cry in the shower or scream into a pillow - haha. You need to let yourself feel things!
And lastly, who inspires you the most?
Oh, that’s a tough one. I am honestly inspired by so many different people in so many different ways. I love Yan Yan Chan, Kim Rose, Charlie Burrowes, Taylor swift! I’m actually inspired a lot by musicians and music and the way they create.
Instagram: @loveludie
Facebook: @loveludie
Love Ludie Online store: www.loveludie.com
A Cleaner Coast: @cleanercoast
Hutch store: www.hutchstore.com.au